Hubertus Circle

Become part of the Jägermeister Crew

Jägermeister, a combination of herbs, spices, botanicals and a generous splash of character! 

The Hubertus Circle is an international network of bartenders, initiated by Jägermeister. Since its foundation in 2011, it has grown into a strong community. Members hail from all over the world – they support each other, work together, and learn from one another. At regular meetings, workshops, events, and excursions, they swap ideas and learn to use new tools and skills, as well as meeting new and old friends. The Hubertus Circle currently has active communities Australia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Turkey, South Africa, as well as the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

In short, the Hubertus Circle is about meeting people, learning about cultures, listening to others, encouraging reflection and developing, accepting and respecting each other.

Do you want to be part of the Hubertus Circle Switzerland?

What is expected of you:

  • Training for bartenders & catering staff
  • Networking: Connecting bartenders with our sales staff
  • Guest shifts within Switzerland
  • In the pool for use behind the bar at small festivals
  • Social media content with Jägermeister

What you can expect:

  • Workshops & masterclasses
  • Networking
  • Events
  • Training sessions with the Jägermeister global ambassador

Send us your application now

All other conditions will be agreed in detail.